Shifter bushing rebuild kit for 2024+ Toyota trucks - 6 speed

Shifter bushing rebuild kit for 2024+ Toyota trucks - 6 speed

OE replacement shifter housing pivot seat washer & pivot cup bushing for 6 speed manual transmissions found in the following Toyota applications:

  • 2024-2025 Tacoma (RC60F)
    • Does NOT FIT older models


  • Kit does NOT FIT aftermarket shifters, transfer cases, or any other model
  • Seat washer intended for OEM 42mm housing bore
  • Bushing snaps onto a 16mm dia sphere (at bottom of shift lever) and into a 20mm bore

Simple installation - remove shifter boots, push & turn ring inside housing, & lift out lever (no need to remove base however it may make cleaning easier). New seat washer is harder than OEM to enhance durability; to install, hold washer upside down and roll it toward front, downward into housing around the pivot pins - see THIS IMAGE


Why not make a real upgrade and forget about this wear item? See the complete Core Shifters short throw shifter kits for these models!

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