
Shifters for Jeep Wrangler

Engine Year Manual Trans Kit notes

4 cyl

(2.4 & 2.5L)

1987-1995 AX5 w/ 4x4 shifter bracket on base Straight stub, #0085 stick
1997-2002 AX5 (no bracket on base) Offset stub, #7436 stick
2003-2004 NV2550 (aka NV1500) Offset stub, #7436 stick
2005-2018 NSG370 Not supported - see B&M

6 cyl

(4.0 & 4.2L)

1987-mid 1989 BA10/5 N/A - parts not available
mid 1989-1995 AX15 w/ 4x4 shifter bracket on base Straight stub, #0085 stick
1997-1999 AX15 (no bracket on base) Offset stub, #7436 stick
2000-2004 NV3550 Offset stub, #7436 stick
2005-2018 NSG370 Not supported - see B&M

YJ = 1987-1995; TJ = 1997-2006. Production change from BA10/5 to AX15 occurred ~3/1/1989. Physical ID: BA10/5 main case is two halves that bolt together lengthwise along top & bottom; AX15 main case is solid. Shifter tower is offset toward front of base on AX15 and toward rear of base on AX5. OEM NV shifter base housings are plastic; AX base housings are aluminum.